Larry Birkhead’s secret gay lover has come forward by selling the secret scoop about Larry Birkhead and his secret gay relationship to Star Magazine. His name is Kerrick Ross and this is what he had to say:
“I was Larry Birkhead’s secret gay lover! America doesn’t know the whole story about Larry Birkhead. He apparently had sex with Anna Nicole and fathered her baby, but there is no question: He also had sex with me!” “We were together for about two months and had sex eight to 10 times, always at my apartment. He often spent the whole night with me. I had been ‘out’ for a long time, but Larry was not out of the closet — and he was terrified about his family, who were devout Southern Baptists, finding out he was having a gay relationship.
He was especially afraid of his father finding out. He said, ‘If my Dad knew about this, he would kill me!’